How do I find a good lawyer specializing in family law

good lawyer

Wondering how to choose your family law attorney?

You must pay attention to several aspects in order to make your choice. A competent lawyer specialized in family law  A good family law lawyer is above all a lawyer who knows the law and can give you the best advice . The firm of Me Marina stefania, a family law lawyer in Lyon and in the Rhône-Alpes region, provides you with precise and up-to-date legal answers to your questions. She regularly updates her knowledge by being a member of the family commission of the Lyon bar. Your lawyer usually deals

This type of litigation:

– requesting a judicial divorce or a divorce by mutual consent,

– liquidation of the matrimonial regime in the case of real estate,

– going before the family court judge to determine the habitual residence of the children and the right of access and accommodation for minor children,

– request for joint custody,

– determination of alimony,

– go before the judge for modification of a child custody judgment…

The firm thus knows perfectly well what the judge takes into consideration and will therefore be able to help you during the procedure to gather the necessary documents and compile a file with meticulousness and expertise to provide to the judge.

Your lawyer will also be able to tell you whether your minor child can be heard by the family court judge (if he has the necessary discernment).

In the event of an emergency, your competent lawyer for family affairs makes sure to implement the fastest procedure (summary, short notice, etc.).

A family law lawyer, close to you

A good family law lawyer is also and above all the one among all the lawyers in whom you will trust since he will represent you throughout the procedure and carry your speak when you go before the judge.

He must be available and attentive to your needs while guiding and directing you with an objective view towards the best solution, whether amicable or contentious.

Your family law lawyer will be able to approach your situation in the most judicious way possible in order to best preserve your interests but also the interests of the family.

Your family law attorney will take care of your entire file and provide you with a quality and local service to accompany you throughout the procedure, from the constitution of your file to its filing.

An expert and experienced lawyer

A family law lawyer must also be able to defend you both in writing and orally.

The firm of Me Marina STEFANIA has editorial qualities with a spirit of synthesis and analysis and an assurance and oratorical ease.

Your lawyer knows how to be combative and pugnacious and even creative by knowing how to improvise with the necessary repartee when faced with the unexpected.

Me Marina STEFANIA, Family law lawyer in Lyon, withversatile experience of 8 years (in family law and criminal law) , assists you with all types of family proceedings amicably or in court by helping you to seize the family court judge.

To initiate a new procedure, do not hesitate to make an appointment with Me Marina STEFANIA’s office, which makes sure to be responsive and available . The firm offers you personalized support whatever your personal and family situation by implementing a strategy with you in order to achieve your objectives and by offering you appropriate solutions.

Driven by a constant desire for responsiveness and excellence, your lawyer offers you strategic and dynamic expertise .

If you want to divorce quickly or start a procedure, contact the firm and make an appointment for more information.



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